
Today's Wall Street Journal Opinion page is quite the read. James Q. Wilson (??) writes about how useless 'approval' ratings are for predicting elections. I could care less about that (the poll coming up this November 2nd is the only one that counts), but he does briefly mention the two political bases. Put somewhat clearly, N% of regular voters will vote for a Democrat "...even if the candidate is Genghis Khan" and M% will vote Republican "...even if the candidate is Atilla the Hun." This is all within reason of course (Atilla the Hun cannot be a married gay man). Mr. Wilson sets M% = N% = 40% which is a safe bet, I suppose. I tend to lean more towards 45% for both. Point being, between 10% and 20% of voters wield significant control over who will become president. It's funny (and sort of sad) that John Edwards tried to make this point during the debate last night. People's brains almost popped when he brought it up (well, Larry King's peanut brain nearly turned to butter).
John Edwards: "I appeal more to Independents and Republicans so I stand a better chance of winning."
Larry King: "I am a moron. John Kerry has won most states. He appeals to Democrats more. He is HUGE like gay marriage!"
Then the two Johns started arguing about who appealed to Independent voters more. Anyhow, John Edwards is goddamned right. Fourty percent of voters will vote for an obnoxious chimpanzee before switching to Republican at this point in time. For what it's worth, most of that 40% find John Kerry to be very 'electable'. The question is, who can bring in a majority of the vacillating 20%? Even more speculative, who can bring in the people who have never shown up to vote?


A bunch of babies were emailing me.. whining about not being able to bloviate. Now you can. See if you can figure out how to bloviate... geniuses. While I'm being clever, maybe I'll travel down to the elementary school and get into a shouting match with some of the kids. Nevermind, I'll just devolve into talking about myself until blood sprays from my ears and my brain explodes. This seems to work well for many bloggers. I'll blog about blogging and blogaoi geaboutabout blablab DIE!

I'm not going to waste much time on this since only blind chimps and variegated forms of plant life failed to notice this during the California Democratic debate. Either Mr. Kerry and Mr. Edwards are engaged in some sort of risque sexual relationship, or they are fairly interested in joining together for the Presidential race. The steam was so thick from all the heavy petting, I could barely see the candidates. Forget about whether you should take your little babies to see "The Passion", make absolutely sure to put them to bed before the next Triple-XXX Democratic debate! Where the hell is Colin Powell's son when you need him? Holed up in a bunker with Jerry Falwell watching a perpetual loop of Janet Jackson's sproinging breast? "We must put a stop to this scandalality!! This is scandalacious!!"

Also, where exactly do these debate moderators come from? There seems to be this idea that pointing your finger and barking a question indicates intelligence. Larry King can't even pay attention to half of the responses. "Gay marriage is HUGE!!! Karl Rove said it is HUUUUGEE!!" Eat shit, Larry. Go interview George Bush's dog.

Karenna Gore Schiff has a wonderful Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal today. Predictably, it's about Nader running for President, and her having the "...right to say, What an awful idea." (What a cute way to put it. [haha, I'm editorializing about an op-ed {those were her italics}]) Her sledgehammer of an argument centers around how Nader damaged Gore's appeal to voters by telling youngsters "...that there wasn't a dime's worth of difference between the two nominees." Obsequiously, she fails to discuss why no one could convince them otherwise. THEN (OMFG, you'll never believe this!!), she equates running as an Independent to running in the Democratic primary. Yes, we all know that the DNC and Mr. McAuliffe were practically bleeding from the eyes in anticipation of what some unelectable ding dong had to offer to the platform. It's such a wonderful place to affect change, the apochryphal wasteland of nothingness known as the Democratic primary. To quote an aquaintance, "Who's Howard Dean?" Yes, I know it is hard to believe... but a lot of people aren't even aware of these primary things. Nader knows, if you want to raise hell, do it in the Fall, not in /*potty mouth emphasis*/ fucking January. To wit, "Surely a tent that holds both Joseph Lieberman and Dennis Kucinich is big enough." Yes, I'm sure Kucinich loves his prominent position in the tent.. right next to the bucket where they dump the elephant shit.


EVERYTHING is SO exciting!! Ralph Nader is running and this means that he will suck off at least 2%!!!!! JUST LIKE LAST TIME!@!@!))!)_ Everyone on the cable news is talking about it. Evil RALPHOTRON will give the election AWAY to that monstrous gremlin, George W. Bush!! Unless... the people inclined to vote for Ralph Nader recall what happened last time. Somehow, I feel like the last three years have been a constant reminder of what happens when you "vote your conscience." With this in mind, I must break from my cable news clansmen and dismiss the Nader candidacy. If some percentage of the voters decide that Ralph deserves their vote more than John Kerry, then that is a failure by the Democratic Party. And, if Terry McAuliffe is such a fucking stupid pussy baby 성교 얼굴 that he has to blame Ralphie when he (and the DNC) can't force Mr. Bush to dismount the White House, then they should find another line of business. Maybe they just need some of those 假球植入管 that people buy their neutered dogs so they won't be ashamed to go out in public.

Worse comes to worse.. if the Democrat leadership can't get their shit together, four more years of George W. Bush will probably organize the people for them.


Karl Rove is a festering sore on humanity. He spends his time regurgitating "old as petrified shit" political attack techniques, and people confuse this for genius. It is presumed that Rove deserves credit for Bush's success as if George W. Bush has no powerful associates. Frankly, hiring a room full of people to call up Carolina primary voters and tell them that John McCain has a "nigger baby" is not genius. It's, more plainly, pathetically shameless. Of course, the Boy Genius really hammered home the 2000 election with a resounding defeat of the wildly charismatic Bore/Sleeperman ticket (HAHAHAHEHEEHA I AM CR@AZXYZYYY!!) His current genius seems to encompass hanging flags and dressing George Bush in flight suits. These radical new ideas are simply destroying the opposition's will to compete. To top off the master planning, the Republican Convention will be in New York City in the summer. What a wonderful photo op. Surely, New York City has only a few hundred people who will show up to yell nasty shit about President Bush. I suppose maybe the hope is to marginalize the opposition. Make them look like dreadlocked, bong smoking, morons. Everyone will feel sympathy for Mr. Bush. Yes.. Yes.. of course.. I'd write a book called "Karl Rove: Boy Moron" but from my perspective, it's a tautology soo... It is also redundant.


We pity thee, reader of the Pottybloggg!@!!!!@_