
Just in case anyone was wondering.. this whole thing (or this thing or this thing) is all about how George W. Bush is losing the election. Rehnquist will be vacating his seat before Bush leaves office so that he may appoint a conservative replacement. If you were waiting for a sign that "Bush will FUCKING LOSE", this is it. They're taking the door prize (replacing Rehnquist for you slow-types) since they can't win the election. Yes, I know that this is all barfed-up bull shit since it's pretty hard to fake up thyroid cancer... but obviously, I don't give a good god damn. Karl Rove injected Rehnquist with a thyroid cancer-virus to make sure that Bush would get the chance to replace him (Rehnquist is "him"). Get used to it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My my, what an angry young man! That Wayne March was always such a nice boy, I bet he returns his mother's phone calls, do you think he might come and visit me sometime? Are you comming home for Thanksgiving?

6:50 AM  

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