Karl Rove leaking forged documents of Bush's National Guard Service to cast doubt over any documents that may or may not surface before election!!!!!
You won't hear other people figure this one out for a few more days or hours. Read here about the mysterious fake documents! You can expect other bloggers to keep wowing over how the White House screwed up on the release of these "new" (hehehe, newer than you think!! hahaha!) records. No worries, my Republicans. Everything is going as planned.
I wait all this time for your next post and you come with that dog vomit?
Is the BATMAN who scaled the wall at Bunkingham Palace part of Rove's plan? Please eloborate.
Batman no, Robin yes.
Thanks for the clarification, Karl.
This just in: Karl Rove and Karl Marx are one and the same. Notice the font used, the misspelling of Carl and the four letter last name!
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