
Hey! Serious Bastard has an IDEA!

I've noticed, yet again, that everyone involved in politics is apparently lying. Joe Wilson, LIAR!! Dick Clarke? DIRTY NO GOOD, DISGRUNTLED LIAR!! George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld?? LIARS, LIARS, PUMPKIN FRYERS! Michael Moore???? FROM PLANET LIE! In fact, the only people who will open their mouths these days are capital 'L'-iars! At least, that's what I'm told. Everyone is lying. So, I've decided that politically speaking, I have no more decisions to make. This next election is so important that everyone must lie their asses off to defeat the other side. There's not even room for third party candidates because they get in the way of all the lying.

What does one do about this? Well, since everyone's lying and I get to pick one or the other, I officially pick Democrat for the next 10 Presidential Elections. I want to have a button at the voting booth this November that lets me skip all of this examining and thinking (since there's no reason to think to hard about fucking lies) and just dial in a vote for the Democrats until 2044. I believe it captures the true value of participation in this great society.


Blogger Jefe said...

Hey! Where's the Tarzanza! link?

Fuck off!

6:12 PM  
Blogger . said...

eat shit, Tarzanza! ! I'll get your link up after I'm done prank calling your mom.

6:39 PM  

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