
Hey! Why don't you rural Republicans vote fucking Democrat!

Oh my goodness! I do believe Tarzanza! has written one of the finest political commentaries I've seen in a while. The deftness of his writing lies in the fact that one does not immediately sense the true import of the blog posting. Let me walk you, my fair reader, down the trail of meaning. Okay, well, I'll point the way, but I'm not going to hold your damn hand. Here's the equation set:
Donkey := Democratic Party
Maybelle := Rural Voters
Attraction to Donkey Penis := Perverse Attraction to John Kerry
Mainly, that's sort of how I feel, too. One can also infer that Maybelle has a Husband := George W. Bush who attracts her love no more. It's all right before your eyes. George W. Bush will lose to John "Donkey Penis" Kerrey come November. All those lonely nights on the political frontier, being ignored by the Man of the House... It makes a person desperate for attention, for love. One eventually settles for anything, no matter how revulsive. Don't blame me for pointing this stuff out. It's all around you.


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