
Hahahah! Readers, you will never believe the funny emails I have been receiving. Here's a letter from N.M.:

Dear Locutious,

What is up with you? What are you, like 2 years old? Seriously. It's as if you've become obsessed with poo-poo and pee-pee and cursing and what not. It's ridiculous. This used to be family blog! Now it reads like something you might see at the nickel peepshow at the state fair. I'm fed up with it. First Janet, now this.

Your former reader,

Ouch! Next time N.M., why don't you tell me how you really feel. Haha! Here's another from S.D.:


Knock off the potty talk. I don't want this coming into my home.

you still suck,

Nice one, S.D. First you accuse me of potty talk, then you use the word "suck". Can you say "ironic". Jeez, what a dipshit. Here's another letter from F.L.:

Hey Tanzana!

U R so lame. I've taken more interesting shits asshole. Witch is what your blog has become.


with hate,

Thanks, F.L. Say hi to mom for me! Haha! And one more, who actually has some nice things to say:

Hey Locutious!

Where's Jane? Hup! J.K. dude. Not! No, seriously. U RAWK! Keep up the goodnessless.


Hahahaha! What's that all about? Such funny emails that I have been receiving!


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