Oh God AM I SORRY! I am so sorry that my writing has not been appropriately frequent. The sorrow, pain and guilt that I feel is so intense as to have physically manifested as a gaping wound in my bowels, bleeding me slowly to death, day by day. But, what do I do? Turn my bed into a pine box and suffocate in my own blood, or do I take this self-loathing flesh wound and TURN IT INTO MATERIAL!! HAHAHA! Me: 1 God: 000 I wake up in the still of night shouting, "Resolve!"
I'll also take this time to point out some necessary directions for our society. We need more wordsmithing from the top (Federal Government, not big businesses). Up until now, they've been doing fairly uninteresting, perpetual lying. We need more new words (No, the President inventing new ones on accident does not count). Since, Rove and Hughes seem incapable of the task, they need to hire the people who name pharmaceuticals. Quite frankly, the names themselves nearly transport one into a state of bliss. The other day, while glooming around, a bolt of happy-lightning crackowed from the page right into my brain: Abilify! I was "abilified". I practically peed my pants with happiness and ability, but since that's not literally possible (Urine is neither like the abstract concept of "happiness" nor similiar to the similarly ephemeral, "ability"), I didn't. Though, this newfound abilify lasted all of three seconds. Since my brain was not nuked into idiocy by real dope, I quickly associated the word to "vilify" and descended, yet again, into the gloom. If only I would drink the Abilify, I would not notice it's nearness to "vilify". If you batter your brain in the happy sauce, it takes the glass and chops it in half so there's no point in arguing about its fullness, just excise the potentially empty part. Anyhow, more new words, thanks.
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