The FCC is coming!
I'd like to take this moment to personally challenge the FCC to come and fuck with me! I'm not scared of Colin Powell's little baby offspring. They want to get at my millions and fine me $500,000 for talking dirty to their mammies? Then, in the words of John Kerry or George W. Bush or whoever the fuck, "BRING IT IN!" I'm taking this conversation to the potty because somebody is goddamn lying to me. Dick Clark(e), of all people, is telling me, after so many decades of government service, that the Bush Administration is jerking me around, and, naturally, Scott McClellan (the White House spokesperson) implies that Clarke is a "disgruntled ex-employee" as if he were some janitor hired last year to keep the urinals clean and then just happened to write a book about international terrorism. He's pissed because he didn't get a gig in the Homeland Security Department. Yes, I know most of you babies automatically gobble down Clarke's steamy dish of lum-lum, but what the fuck?!!@!#% Can all of the members of the Bush Administration have been this oblivious to modern terrorism, so fascinated, they were, by the prospect of invasoring Iraq? It takes more support than a half-assed, "It rings true."
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