I'm writing from a secret Native American outpost above the deserts south of Albuquerque.. just as I was waking under a cactus after my two hundredth night here, a fifty three pound, five headed-humming bird picked me up and carried me off to this Web Cafe in the sky. During this ten year long flight, the Al-Gore-head screamed and spit at me while the half-Al-Sharpton-half-Jesse-Jackson-head sang a muscial-theatre version of something called, "The Fair Ladies and Fair Bottoms of Selma, Alabama" It wasn't until landing at the cloud top internet island that I realized there were six other heads (eight or nine in all) including George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, George Tenet, Paul Wolfowitz and Ahmad Chalabi on this plump humming beast. Quite shockingly these extra heads had just devoured Mr. Tenet and then set about eachother in a mad frenzy. While they were feasting upon eachother, I snuck over here to add a quick entry. I've got to run, but I have amazing stories to tell about a mysterious "Hell on Earth" called Lubbock that stinks of feces and makes all of its inhabitants severely overweight.. (a kindly Indian family took us in at sundown and ushered us to safety the next morning.) The Al Gore head just slipped me a secret message, and told me to flee out the back down the mythical ten mile long slide. Wish me luck!
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