
Karenna Gore Schiff has a wonderful Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal today. Predictably, it's about Nader running for President, and her having the "...right to say, What an awful idea." (What a cute way to put it. [haha, I'm editorializing about an op-ed {those were her italics}]) Her sledgehammer of an argument centers around how Nader damaged Gore's appeal to voters by telling youngsters "...that there wasn't a dime's worth of difference between the two nominees." Obsequiously, she fails to discuss why no one could convince them otherwise. THEN (OMFG, you'll never believe this!!), she equates running as an Independent to running in the Democratic primary. Yes, we all know that the DNC and Mr. McAuliffe were practically bleeding from the eyes in anticipation of what some unelectable ding dong had to offer to the platform. It's such a wonderful place to affect change, the apochryphal wasteland of nothingness known as the Democratic primary. To quote an aquaintance, "Who's Howard Dean?" Yes, I know it is hard to believe... but a lot of people aren't even aware of these primary things. Nader knows, if you want to raise hell, do it in the Fall, not in /*potty mouth emphasis*/ fucking January. To wit, "Surely a tent that holds both Joseph Lieberman and Dennis Kucinich is big enough." Yes, I'm sure Kucinich loves his prominent position in the tent.. right next to the bucket where they dump the elephant shit.


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