
Just in case anyone was wondering.. this whole thing (or this thing or this thing) is all about how George W. Bush is losing the election. Rehnquist will be vacating his seat before Bush leaves office so that he may appoint a conservative replacement. If you were waiting for a sign that "Bush will FUCKING LOSE", this is it. They're taking the door prize (replacing Rehnquist for you slow-types) since they can't win the election. Yes, I know that this is all barfed-up bull shit since it's pretty hard to fake up thyroid cancer... but obviously, I don't give a good god damn. Karl Rove injected Rehnquist with a thyroid cancer-virus to make sure that Bush would get the chance to replace him (Rehnquist is "him"). Get used to it.


Okay, readers.. I know that the Serious Bastard has indicated that the monster in your head is a dangerous thing. I take it all back. The monster in your head is trying to help you. It seems dangerous because the things it tries to tell you are hard to confront. Don't run from the monster. You have to sit down with the monster and drink a cup of tea. Listen to what he has to say (yes, the monster is a male; he has a penis, and he wants to communicate with you.) It's scary, at first, but it's best to just hear what is being said. The monster is a valuable source of energy. He can take you far if you're willing to give him reign. (Maybe even free reign, yes? Hmm.) So, hug the monster. Invite him to dinner. Make his bed. Dress him up in a cute dress. He likes all of that shit. Just make sure to listen closely to the frightful crud he yells at you.


Read William Safire's latest bit. He calls it "The Lowest Blow". This sleazy manuevering by Kerry-Edwards to expose Mr. Cheney's homosexual daughter is unacceptable (I don't know whose fucking italics those are)!! Safire suggest that no one in the world cares that Mary Cheney is a full-bore dyke and that "polls showed two-to-one disapproval of the calculated Kerry-Edwards abuse of the young woman's privacy". Hey, Bill! I'll tell you who gives a big shit about Mary Cheney's muff diving: Fucking Right Wing Evangelical Republicans! Yeah, those assholes who love George Bush's "Jesus Jive". Those assholes who may or may not help carry this joke of an administration into another term. This dyke bullshit matters to them. A cornerstone of the Bush-Cheney campaign is moral rightousness. Dick Cheney should be deprogramming his daughter to save her soul from eternal goddamnation.

It's also a joke that Saffire suggest that the Kerry-Edwards campaign has lost its sense of decency. This tactic doesn't even lick the fucking boots of the shit that is being pulled on the Republican side. The only reason that this is an issue is because a large block of Bush supporters are red eyed, noose tying, fucking bigots. You think Kerry's base would flee like it's the "end of the goddamn world!!!" if his daughter was a lesbian?

If Kerry's daughter was a lesbian, there would be phone calls going out around the country asking, "How do you feel about the fact that John Kerry wants to let dykes like his daughter have a say in the direction this country goes in? Do you want hellbound lesbians breathing the air in the White House?" Eat shit, William Safire. Pray to your god that John Kerry wins so stem cell research can save your dementia-infested mind. (God, tell me, what happened to your writing. It used to be so good.)